Why does Allah allow bad things to happen?

Allah answers
"Surely I know that which you do not know"

Do not call upon any apart from Allah, those who have no power to benefit or hurt you [Al-Quran 10: 106].
Do not call upon anyone else besides Allah [Al-Quran 72: 18].

Reasons why?
1) Besides all these negative or bad things there are also good things happen. We have the best of everything readily available, thus Allah does allow good things happen such as the beauty, health, goodness, faith, virtue, piety etc.

2) Allah has laws on earth. Every believer knows that Allah has laws which govern His creation here upon earth. In fact the entire creation made by Allah is regulated by laws. We are daily involved with laws which are fixed, weather we realised it or not.

Our Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Verily, if Allah loves a people, He makes them go through trials. Whoever is satisfied, for him is contentment, and whoever is angry upon him is wrath.” [Tirmidhi]
Being sad is not encouraged in Islam
“So do not become weak, nor be sad…” (Qur’an 3:139)

Please also refer to Surah Ar -Rahman verses 1-10.
Sometimes we have already know the consequences are bad but we still break the law. For eg if you opened the window and you jumped out of it, what will happen to you?

3) Syaitan's role.

The greatest activity of Satan is to present sins as nice and attractive things to people. For instance, Satan deceives, trap and by a trick like, “What is the harm of drinking alcohol; man should take pleasure from the world. “ Such people act in accordance with their desires and pleasures.

But we must also asked ourselves, how powerful and tricky Syaitan is? But Allah is powerful.

4) Allah has created 3 worlds.
The paradise, the Hell and the Earth.
For the paradise - only bliss, comfort and no painFor the Hell - only pain, grief and no comfortFor the Earth - both bliss and grief, pain and comfort

5) Remembering Allah only in difficult times. Does this sounds familiar to you?

We should need Allah every hour, every day. Every heartbeat, every breath, every bite of food, every ray of sunshine. We need Him when we are poor and sick, and when we’re rich and robust. We need Him when we’re starving, We depend on Allah more than a newborn baby depends on its mother, even when we don’t see it.
When we’re doing well, that’s the time to turn to Allah even more, with gratitude and praise. If we do that, then when we’re having hard times He’ll be there for us, He’ll rescue us and lift us up, even if we don’t ask.
The Messenger of Allah (sws) said, “Remember Allah during times of ease and He will remember you during times of difficulty.” (Tirmidhi). Remember, Allah loves to hear from us.
As Allah says in surah Insyirah, verily, every hardship will come ease.
Also in other verses in Alquraan :
…Bear with patience whatever befalls you….” (Qur’an 31:17) and “Be not sad, surely Allah is with us.” (Qur’an 9:40)

6) Is everything fated? Already written? Belief in qada and qadar means to believe without doubt that Allah knows everything, that He programmed everything.
Have we ever asked ourself, what if you know your fated? Because we don't know what has been fated that's why we are struggle. We have freedom to choose but we cannot blame fate for our bad decisions.
Allah says in Surah Yunus,
Indeed, Allah does not wrong the people at all, but it is the people who are wronging themselves. Allah does not let us know our fate and DO'A CAN ALTER FATE.

That's all for now. All the reasons above are only part of it , it was from the the majlis ilmu with my ustazah Sharifah Khadijah Alkaff on Why does Allah allow bad things to happen.

Till then


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